aracteristics to study the relationship between authors' profiles and publication productivity. Influenza is a disease that affects a large part of the world's population annually, with major health, social and economic impacts. Active immunisation practices have always been recommended to counter influenza, especially for people at risk. The recommendations of major health agencies strongly advise influenza vaccination for all healthcare workers, mostly for those in contact with at-risk or immunocompromised individuals. Yet, the influenza vaccination coverage among healthcare workers remains rather low worldwide. This review explore barriers and the facilitators of health care professional toward influenza's vaccination. Narrative review consulting the databases PubMed, CINAHL by combining keywords health care worker, flu, influenza, vaccination, barrier, resistence, hesitangy, between November 2019 and February 2020 Results. From the 1031 records initially, twenty-two primary studies were included in this narrative review. Our results show that the identified facilitators are desire for self-protethat current vaccination campaigns do not increase the rate of adherence by healthcare workers. Identifying the predisposing factors and barriers to such vaccination can help to create, develop and test targeted educational programmes.Background and aim of the work Nursing education plays a key role in preparing future nurses to deal with dying patients, which represents one of the most emotionally involving aspect of nursing. The aims of the study were to explore nursing students' attitudes towards care of dying patients in three different European contexts and to analyze the variables that can influence them. Methods We conducted an international multicenter cross-sectional study. We administered the Frommelt Attitude Toward Care of the Dying Scale form B (FATCOD-B) and a demographic form to 569 students, enrolled in the Nursing Programmes in three different countries (Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom), who accepted to participate in the study. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 26.0. Results Median total FATCOD-B scores indicated intermediate levels of students' attitudes towards care for dying patients, with a statistically significant difference among the three student groups. The median total FATCOD-B scores did not statistically significantly change in students with different age, gender, year of study, religious believes, nursing education on palliative care, previous experiences of dying patient care and personal grieving. Conclusions In our study, nursing students feel partially prepared in caring for dying patients and their attitudes do not change as the course of study progresses. No selected variables had an impact on students' attitudes towards palliative care. Since nurses play a vital role in ensuring the quality of care, education on end-of-life care should be offered as a core part of undergraduate nursing programs. In the international literature there are no validated tools which investigate clinical tutors' skills. The main objective of the study has been to describe the clinical nurse tutor's skills, required to properly train nursing students during their educational path. In this observational study a non-probability sampling has been used. The study was led in two centers the AOUPR of Parma and the AUSL of Parma, after obtaining the favorable opinion from the Ethics Committee of the Northern Emilia Large Section. The data have been collected by using a structured and self-given survey that investigated three areas. Each item has a 4-point Likert scale, in which 1 indicates "for nothing" and 4 "very much". The data have been analyzed with the statistical software IBM SPSS v.26 ® and with the open-source statistical software Jamovi v.1.6.9 (https// The number of factors in the original model was reduced using several established research steps and then evaluated for data quality and construct validity using principal component analysis and confimatory factor analysis. Among 397 administered questionnaires, only 300, which were considered valid, have been filled. The psychometric properties of the investigation tool turned out to be good in all the areas analyzed with a Cronbach alpha higher than 0.70. The extensive process resulted in a version with 4 factors. Nurses' answers have allowed to draw the required profile of the clinical tutors in the different organizational contexts. The results can target possible training proposals to create opportunities for the clinical tutors.Nurses' answers have allowed to draw the required profile of the clinical tutors in the different organizational contexts. The results can target possible training proposals to create opportunities for the clinical tutors. Training in simulation through "mannequins" is increasingly widespread among nursing students. In the Italian context, however, there are no tools that measure the degree of student satisfaction after clinical training through simulation. The aim of the study is to provide a first validation in Italian of the Satisfaction with simulation experience" (SSE) scale, a tool already validated in several languages. After obtaining the author's consent, the SSE was subjected to forward and backward translation. The content validity was assessed by 5 training experts by calculating the Content Validity Index by Item and by Scale (I-CVI and S-CVI); the face validity was tested on 4 nursing students who had participated in a simulation experience. Subsequently, the SSE was administered to 10 nursing students with test-retest after 7 days in order to evaluate the reliability by calculating the reliability coefficient (r) and Cronbach's α. The author approved the final version of the SSE translated into Italian I-CVI values>0.80 and S-CVI was 0.94. r is 0.88 and the α of the scale is 0.713. The detected values of I-CVI and S-CVI are satisfactory, demonstrating the validity of the content of the SSE-ITA. The test-retest showed "optimal" reliability and the α was considered acceptable given the little deviation from the original (0.776). Although the results demonstrate satisfactory values, this is a first validation and other studies with larger samples are needed.The detected values of I-CVI and S-CVI are satisfactory, demonstrating the validity of the content of the SSE-ITA. The test-retest showed "optimal" reliability and the α was considered acceptable given the little deviation from the original (0.776). Although the results demonstrate satisfactory values, this is a first validation and other studies with larger samples are needed.

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Last-modified: 2025-01-23 (木) 07:03:51 (19d)