BACKGROUND Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a disease related to aging, which has become increasingly prevalent as the population has aged. However, there remains no effective treatment for the disease. Alveolar epithelial type II cell (AEC II) senescence plays an important role in the occurrence and development of IPF. Therefore, enhancing our understanding of aging AEC IIs might facilitate the development of a new therapeutic strategy for the prevention and treatment of IPF. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of citrus alkaline extracts (CAE) on senescence in A549 cells and elucidate the mechanism by which CAE function. MATERIAL AND METHODS Adriamycin RD (ARD) induces the senescence of A549 cells. Relevant indicators were identified following administration of 3 concentrations of CAE (50 μg/mL, 100 μg/mL, and 200 μg/mL) to A549 cells. RESULTS CAE inhibited senescence in ARD-induced A549 cells. It inhibited p16, p21, p53, and a senescence-associated secretory phenotype, and reduced expression of the senescence-related positive cells of ß-galactosidase. Further study revealed that activation of the ß-catenin signaling pathway is closely associated with p53. CAE inhibited senescence in A549 cells via the ß-catenin/p53 pathway. Further, inhibition of b-catenin was associated with reduced expression levels of p53 and p21, and the anti-aging effects of CAE were enhanced. When expression of p53 was inhibited, expression levels of ß-catenin also tended to decrease. CONCLUSIONS In summary, our study showed that CAE can inhibit aging in A549 cells to alleviate pulmonary fibrosis, and thus limit the secretion of the extracellular matrix and collagen in lung fibroblasts. Recovery of arm function poststroke is highly variable with some people experiencing rapid recovery but many experiencing slower or limited functional improvement. Current stroke prediction models provide some guidance for clinicians regarding expected motor outcomes poststroke but do not address recovery rates, complicating discharge planning. This study developed a novel approach to defining recovery groups based on arm motor recovery trajectories poststroke. In addition, between-group differences in baseline characteristics and therapy hours were explored. A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted where 40 participants with arm weakness were assessed 1 week, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after an ischemic stroke. Arm recovery trajectory groups were defined on the basis of timing of changes in the Fugl-Meyer Assessment Upper Extremity (FMA-UE), at least the minimal clinically important difference (MCID), 1 week to 6 weeks or 6 weeks to 6 months. Three recovery trajectory groups were defined Fast (. Baseline impairment, overall stroke severity, and dependence in activities of daily living were associated with group membership and therapy hours differed between groups. Stratifying individuals by recovery trajectory early poststroke could offer additional guidance to clinicians in discharge planning.(See Supplemental Digital Content 1 for Video Abstract, available at http// A newborn presented with necrotic skin lesions and contractures of the right upper extremity. Ultrasonography indicated the presence of a brachiocephalic artery thrombosis, and clinical examination demonstrated a neonatal forearm compartment syndrome. Surgical treatment included decompressive fasciotomy of the right forearm. The right-sided brachiocephalic thrombosis resulted in left hemiplegic cerebral palsy. At the 3-year follow-up, the patient had near-normal function of the right upper extremity. This case has detailed preoperative video and follow-up to illustrate this rare but modifiable condition. This case demonstrates a unique cause of neonatal forearm compartment syndrome (brachiocephalic arterial thrombosis) and the results of prompt surgical treatment.This case demonstrates a unique cause of neonatal forearm compartment syndrome (brachiocephalic arterial thrombosis) and the results of prompt surgical treatment. Bipolar disorder (BD) is a severe psychiatric illness attributable to multifactorial risk components (e.g. environmental stimuli, neuroinflammation, etc.), and genetic variations affecting these risk components are considered pivotal predisposing factors. The interleukin-1β (IL-1β) gene and its protein product have been repeatedly highlighted in the pathogenesis of BD. As functional polymorphisms and haplotypes linked with IL-1β mRNA expression have been reported, whether they are correlated with the risk of developing BD remains to be tested. To examine whether variations in the IL-1β gene locus confer genetic risk of BD, we recruited 930 BD patients and 912 healthy controls for the current study. All subjects were Han Chinese, and were age- and gender-matched. We tested seven functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) spanning the IL-1β gene and one haplotype composed of three SNPs for their associations with risk of BD. We found that the functional SNPs in the promoter region of IL-1β gene were significantly associated with risk of BD. The haplotype analyses further supported the involvement of IL-1β promoter SNPs in BD. The BD risk SNPs in our study have been previously reported to predict higher IL-1β levels in the brain and peripheral blood, which is consistent with the clinical observation of elevated IL-1β levels in the lymphocytes or peripheral blood of patients with BD compared with healthy subjects. Our results support the contention that IL-1β is likely a risk gene for BD, and further investigations on this gene may promote our understanding and clinical management of this illness.Our results support the contention that IL-1β is likely a risk gene for BD, and further investigations on this gene may promote our understanding and clinical management of this illness. Chikungunya (CHIK) re-emerged in India in 2006 after a gap of three decades. In Uttar Pradesh (UP), <100 confirmed cases per million were reported during this outbreak. Based on an upsurge of CHIK cases at UP, this retrospective study was conducted to investigate clinical and serological profile of CHIK cases in UP. A retrospective study was done on all clinically suspected CHIK cases that had been tested by ELISA for anti-CHIK virus IgM antibodies from September 2012 to December 2017. Based on clinical features, a subset of patients had earlier been tested serologically for dengue and Japanese encephalitis (JE). Of the 3240 cases enrolled, 771 (23.8%) were seropositive. Patients had a range of clinical manifestations with seropositivity highest in those exhibiting arthralgia with fever (40%), followed by fever of unknown origin (FUO) (22%), encephalitis (13%) and fever with rash (12%). Cases (total, seropositive) increased over 20-fold in 2016 (1389, 412) and 2017 (1619, 341), compared to 2012-2015.

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Last-modified: 2025-01-15 (水) 10:24:04 (27d)