Oenopia shirkuhensis sp. nov. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Fludarabine(Fludara).html (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) is described and illustrated. It was found in the mountains around Shirkooh mountain, Yazd province, and in the Kukhbenan Mountains, Kerman province, Iran. It is similar to a common ladybird Adalia bipunctata by the colour pattern on elytra. Congeneric species occurring in Iran, O. conglobata and partly O. oncina are illustrated for comparison, and an identification key is provided. Mehdi Zare Khormizi, Oldřich Nedvěd.Flea beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini) are a hyperdiverse group of organisms with approximately 9900 species worldwide. In addition to walking as most insects do, nearly all the species of flea beetles have an ability to jump and this ability is commonly understood as one of the key adaptations responsible for its diversity. Our investigation of flea beetle jumping is based on high-speed filming, micro-CT scans and 3D reconstructions, and provides a mechanical description of the jump. We reveal that the flea beetle jumping mechanism is a catapult in nature and is enabled by a small structure in the hind femur called an 'elastic plate' which powers the explosive jump and protects other structures from potential injury. The explosive catapult jump of flea beetles involves a unique 'high-efficiency mechanism' and 'positive feedback mechanism'. As this catapult mechanism could inspire the design of bionic jumping limbs, we provide a preliminary design for a robotic jumping leg, which could be a resource for the bionics industry.in English, Spanish ResumenEl Murciélago de orejas redondas de cabeza rayada, Tonatia saurophila, incluye tres subespecies Tonatia saurophila saurophila (conocida sólo por registros subfósiles en Jamaica), Tonatia saurophila bakeri (distribuida desde el sureste de México hasta el norte de Colombia, Venezuela al oeste y norte de la Cordillera de Mérida, y el noroeste de Ecuador), y Tonatia saurophila maresi (distribuida en Venezuela al este y sur de la Cordillera de Mérida, las Guayanas, Trinidad y Tobago, el noreste de Brasil, y la vertiente amazónica de los Andes de Colombia, Ecuador, Peru y Bolivia). Las dos últimas subespecies representan un ejemplo atractivo para poner a prueba predicciones sobre el rol histórico de los Andes en la diversificación de mamíferos. Con base en descripciones morfológicas, análisis morfométricos y una reconstrucción filogenética empleando el gen mitocondrial Cyt-b y el gen nuclear RAG2, este estudio evalúa las relaciones intraspecíficas dentro de Tonatia saurophila y el estatus taxonómico del taxón. Las tres subespecies de T. saurophila son reconocidas como especies plenas Tonatia bakeri, T. maresi y T. saurophila. Esta última está restringida a la localidad tipo y posiblemente está extinta. Tonatia bakeri, además de ser de mayor tamaño que T. maresi, se diferencia morfológicamente por poseer un ápice agudo en el borde posterior del cráneo, un proceso clinoideo bien desarrollado y cóndilos mandibulares relativamente robustos, y por carecer de un diastema entre el canino y el primer premolar inferior. La distancia genética entre T. bakeri y T. maresi es 7.65%.The South-East Asian opilionid family Epedanidae Sørensen, 1886 has one of its strongholds in Thailand from where a multitude of genera and species have been described but the epedanid fauna of the country is still poorly known. This paper records four species from this country, three of which are new Euepedanus dashdamirovi sp. nov. (male and female), Plistobunus jaegeri sp. nov. (male and female), and Toccolus kuryi sp. nov. (male and female). Toccolus globitarsis Suzuki, 1969 was previously known only from the type locality in Thailand and is redescribed here. Functional aspects of epedanid penial morphology are highlighted. Chao Zhang, Jochen Martens.Spintharus is a genus of spiders that contained only two species until 2018 when it was demonstrated that a 'widespread' species was instead composed of multiple short-range endemics. This note redescribes Spintharus gracilis Keyserling and describes a new species of Spintharus (Araneae, Theridiidae), S. leverger sp. nov., both based on specimens from Brazil. We also examine specimens from several additional localities in Brazil displaying variation consistent with patterns previously found within the Caribbean geographically isolated and unique localities may contain independent species lineages. Given the limited number of specimens, profuse variation, and lack of DNA data from museum specimens, it is challenging to gauge the number of species in the observed material. Instead of describing these as new species here, we highlight this variation and hypothesize that in South America, a greater diversity of the genus across the geographical landscape will be found than predicted based on Levi's "widespread Spintharus flavidus" hypothesis. Our results suggest that continental efforts to sample the genus would be profitable, as this charismatic group likely harbors unappreciated diversity throughout the continent. Gabriel A. LeMay, Ingi Agnarsson.The Caspian Sea is a unique inland brackish waterbody inhabited by highly endemic fauna. This fauna consists of species of both marine and freshwater origin. Some Caspian invertebrates cannot be confidently referred to as animals of either origin. The endemic monophyletic family of sponges, Metschnikowiidae, is among them. Although these sponges are considered as fresh water in the modern literature, no researcher has seen them alive for many years, and its status is actually unconfirmed. Here, we present the first photos of Metschnikowia tuberculata Grimm, 1877 and report evidence for its freshwater origin based on analysis of ITS1 and ITS2 sequences and partial sequences of CO1 gene. According to the genetic analysis, M. tuberculata belongs to the order Spongillida. We observed specimens of diverse appearance, but their spicule complement proved to be similar, and ITS sequences were identical. Thus, we conclude that they belong to the same species. The obtained results expand our knowledge about the dispersal ability of freshwater sponges.

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