Mandibular continuity defects are associated with multiple functional and esthetic problems. Nonvascularized bone grafting is one of several surgical corrective techniques for such defects with good success predictability. This retrospective clinical study reviewed the outcome of this technique when applied in its 2 protocol variations while minimizing the effect of as many confounding factors as possible through the application of strict eligibility criteria. The surgical records of 16 patients constituted the final sample 10 patients in the one-stage and 6 patients in the two-stage reconstruction groups. It was found that mandibular reconstruction with nonvascularized bone graft is a good first option as well as a viable alternative in the absence of free flap procedure facilities. Patients' initial expectations should be a crucial factor in deciding the appropriate surgical treatment protocol form the early planning stage. Standardizing success parameters in such cases could further improve objectivity acol form the early planning stage. Standardizing success parameters in such cases could further improve objectivity and allow for multi-center research data pooling with reduced effect of heterogeneity featuring these complex injuries. To explore a digital solution for long screw fixation of condylar sagittal fracture, and to achieve accurate positioning of the long screw. The CT data of the patient with condylar sagittal fracture was imported into Materialise Mimics, and the fractures were reduced by virtual surgery. The surgical guide for long screw fixation was designed in Materialise 3-matic, and then 3D printed for intraoperative assistance. With the help of the 3D printed surgical guide, the long screw used to fix condylar sagittal fracture was accurately positioned, which was completely consistent with the preoperative design. The digitally designed 3D printed surgical guide is an effective way to achieve accurate positioning of the long screw fixation of condylar sagittal fracture.The digitally designed 3D printed surgical guide is an effective way to achieve accurate positioning of the long screw fixation of condylar sagittal fracture. The authors report a case of nasal bone fracture caused by a dog bite in a 25-year-old woman.A 25-year-old woman presented with lacerations of the face caused by a dog bite. When visiting her friend's house, a malamute attacked her. The dog's maxillary teeth bit her right canthal area and right infraorbital area, and the mandibular teeth traversed her left cheek through the buccal mucosa. She had full-thickness lacerations on the left cheek from the skin to the buccal mucosa, and deep lacerations in the right infraorbital area and the right medial canthal area. She had tenderness on the dorsum and right side of her nose. Computed tomography revealed a depressed nasal bone fracture on the right side. The wound was irrigated using betadine solution, and antibiotics were injected. On the seventh post-trauma day, closed reduction and delayed primary repair were performed.The biting force of German shepherds, huskies, and malamutes is approximately 320 pounds per square inch. The nasal bones are the most fragileren and adults. Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is a commonly used intervention of mandibular deformities. However, relapse of the newly constructed mandible is a significant concern. The present comparative study aimed to investigate use of rigid fixation in addition to DO in management of mandibular deformities. The present study included 20 patients with mandibular deformities indicated for DO. The study comprised 10 patients who agreed to perform rigid fixation (DO + RF) and other 10 patients who refused to perform the additional procedure (DO). All patients were subjected to standard mandibular DO. In patients subjected to additional RF with plate and screws, on the last day of distraction, the distractor is removed in the theatre under general anesthesia. Then by an intraoral incision on the previous scar, the distracted part is explored and the plate is applied in the lower part of the mandible to avoid destruction of the teeth roots. All patients are subjected to close observation and radiological evaluation for the ients were subjected to standard mandibular DO. In patients subjected to additional RF with plate and screws, on the last day of distraction, the distractor is removed in the theatre under general anesthesia. Then by an intraoral incision on the previous scar, the distracted part is explored and the plate is applied in the lower part of the mandible to avoid destruction of the teeth roots. All patients are subjected to close observation and radiological evaluation for the appearance of any complication, signs of relapse at the intervals of 1 week and 6 months and 1 year. At the end of follow-up, 2 patients in the DO + RF group relapsed while all patients in the DO only group relapsed (P less then 0.001). The relapsed distance was significantly greater in the DO group [(median (range) 0.3 (0.1-1.3) versus 0.0 (0.0-0.2), P ≤ 0.001]. DO + RF provided significantly lower rate and distance of relapse in nongrowing patients with mandibular deformities. Partial tongue reconstruction requires a thin pliable flap to restore volume and mobility. The lateral arm flap is well suited to this as it is a thin fasciocutaneous flap that has consistent vascular anatomy, reliable perfusion, short harvest time and low donor site morbidity. The authors report our experience with use of this flap for reconstruction of hemi-glossectomy defects. This is a retrospective cohort of patients who underwent reconstruction of hemi-glossectomy and floor of mouth defects with a lateral arm flap, at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi (Pakistan) from November 2016 to January 2020. Flaps were harvested from the nondominant upper extremity. Data were collected for patient demographics, size of defect, size of flap, recipient vessels, postoperative complications and functional outcome. Over a 3-year period, 8 hemi-tongue and extended hemi-tongue, and floor of mouth reconstructions were performed with a lateral arm fasciocutaneous flap. A standard lateral arm flap was harvested in 3 patients and an extended lateral arm flap in 5 patients. |