Over the next several decades, rates of aged populations will increase rapidly. These populations are susceptible to multimorbidities and polypharmacy (concurrently, prescribed 5 or more medications). Many medications have side effects that manifest orally. Therefore, it essential to possess current pharmacologic knowledge to diagnose and treat oral implications of commonly prescribed medications. This article details common medication-induced oral lesions and patient assessment of risk factors for polypharmacy and provides a template to integrate medication reconciliation into dental clinical practice.Aspiration pneumonia (AP), inflammation of the lung parenchyma initiated by aspirated microorganisms into the lower airways from proximal sites, including the oral cavity, is prevalent in, and problematic for, the elderly, especially those in institutions, and for those with several important risk factors. Many factors influence the pathogenesis of AP, including dysphagia, poor oral hygiene, diminished host defense, and underlying medical conditions. This article reviews the epidemiology, microbiology, pathogenesis, and prevention of AP, focusing on the role of poor oral health as a risk factor for, and on dental care for the prevention and management of, this important infection.Older adults have multiple morbidities that can impact oral, systemic, and psychological health. Although each disorder requires consideration from the provider before treatment, by assessing the common phenotypic presentations of older adults, we can better understand, select, and coordinate treatment modifications that would need to be considered and implemented for dental care.Most oral health care providers encounter older adults in their practices and can play a critical role in supporting independence and quality of life for this aging cohort. Physiologic and structural oral cavity changes associated with normal aging may affect the presentation and oral health care of older adults. This article reviews the normative aging of dentition and oral structures and physiologic changes associated with normal aging, including cardiovascular, metabolic, and musculoskeletal changes, and how they may affect oral health. Oral health providers should be aware of normal aging processes when they plan care or schedule procedures for older adults.The number of individuals 65 and older living in the United States is increasing substantially and becoming more racially and ethnically diverse. This shift will affect the demographics of the patient population seeking dental care. It will also impact the future treatment needs of older adults. In older adults, similar to the general adult population, oral health disparities continue to exist related to race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic level. Dental practitioners must understand these changes in order to meet the challenges of providing oral health care to the increasing numbers of diverse, medically compromised, and cognitively impaired older adults.The population of older adults is projected to increase dramatically as Baby Boomers continue to reach age 65 into 2029. This article discusses key shifts in this demographic, including changes in overall health status and living arrangements, that can aid in defining older adults and their medical needs. It also highlights the changes in dental use patterns and the increase in demand for comprehensive dental services for older adults in recent years. The article focuses on the fact that oral health contributes to overall health and the dental workforce must be prepared to treat older adults in their practices.Natural or synthetic compounds that interfere with the bioavailability of nutrients are called antinutrients. Phytic acid (PA) is one of the major antinutrients present in the grains and acts as a chelator of micronutrients. The presence of six reactive phosphate groups in PA hinders the absorption of micronutrients in the gut of non-ruminants. Consumption of PA-rich diet leads to deficiency of minerals such as iron and zinc among human population. On the contrary, PA is a natural antioxidant, and PA-derived molecules function in various signal transduction pathways. Therefore, optimal concentration of PA needs to be maintained in plants to avoid adverse pleiotropic effects, as well as to ensure micronutrient bioavailability in the diets. Given this, the chapter enumerates the structure, biosynthesis, and accumulation of PA in food grains followed by their roles in growth, development, and stress responses. Further, the chapter elaborates on the antinutritional properties of PA and explains the conventional breeding and transgene-based approaches deployed to develop low-PA varieties. Studies have shown that conventional breeding methods could develop low-PA lines; however, the pleiotropic effects of these methods viz. reduced yield, embryo abnormalities, and poor seed quality hinder the use of breeding strategies. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/urmc-099.html Overexpression of phytase in the endosperm and RNAi-mediated silencing of genes involved in myo-inositol biosynthesis overcome these constraints. Next-generation genome editing approaches, including CRISPR-Cas9 enable the manipulation of more than one gene involved in PA biosynthesis pathway through multiplex editing, and scope exists to deploy such tools in developing varieties with optimal PA levels.Developmental programs are under strict genetic control that favors robustness of the process. In order to guarantee the same outcome in different environmental situations, development is modulated by input pathways, which inform about external conditions. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the process of postembryonic development involves a series of stereotypic cell divisions, the progression of which is controlled by the nutritional status of the animal. C. elegans can arrest development at different larval stages, leading to cell arrest of the relevant divisions of the stage. This means that studying the nutritional control of development in C. elegans we can learn about the mechanisms controlling cell division in an in vivo model. In this work, we reviewed the current knowledge about the nutrient sensing pathways that control the progression or arrest of development in response to nutrient availability, with a special focus on the arrest at the L1 stage. |