INTRODUCTION We have previously shown that the expression of carbohydrate (chondroitin 4) sulfotransferase-11 (CHST11) is elevated in human breast cancer tissues, and that its expression in human breast cancer cell lines is associated with aggressive behavior of cells. The clinical significance of CHST11 expression is unknown, and its function in breast cancer cells is not fully understood. OBJECTIVE The current study was performed to define the clinical significance of this gene and address its biological function in promoting the aggressive behavior of breast cancer cells. METHODS Publicly available datasets were analyzed to determine the correlation of CHST11 expression with breast cancer survival. MCF-7 cells were transfected with the human CHST11 gene, and MCF-7-CHST11 cells with stable expression of the gene were established. Morphology and metastatic capacity of transfected cells were monitored in vitro. E-cadherin and β-catenin expression was compared by immunofluorescence. The expression of genes inva also associate the expression levels of CHST11 in breast tumor specimens with patients' survival. The results have a significant implication for CHST11 expression level as a novel molecular signature for predictive and prognostic purposes in breast cancer. Moreover, with a possible role in driving tumor cell aggressiveness, CHST11 expression might be further considered as a potential therapeutic target for breast cancer. © 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel.BACKGROUND Different splicing of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene results in two families of VEGF, the pro-angiogenic isoforms (VEGFxxxa) and the anti-angiogenic isoforms (VEGFxxxb). VEGF165b is the major anti-angiogenic isoform of VEGF and the most studied member of the VEGFxxxb family so far. OBJECTIVES To determine the concentration of VEGF165b and VEGF in the aqueous humor (AH) in diabetic eyes with or without diabetic retinopathy (DR), and to address the predictive value of VEGF165b/VEGF ratio for progression of DR. METHODS AH samples from 20 eyes in healthy controls (CON group), 40 eyes in diabetic patients without DR (nDR group), and 30 eyes in diabetic patients with mild non-proliferative DR (DR group) were collected. All patients were followed up for at least 5 years. VEGF165b and VEGF level of AH samples were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The predictive value of the initial level of VEGF165b /VEGF ratio for progression of DR was studied. RESULTS Mean concentration of VEGF165b significantly decreased in diabetic eyes versus controls. Mean concentration of VEGF significantly increased in DR group versus CON group. Mean follow-up was 66.1months (range 60-71 months). The VEGF165b/VEGF ratio was significantly lower in diabetic patients compared with control group. The risk of DR progression was greater with lower VEGF165b/VEGF ratio. CONCLUSION VEGF165b/VEGF ratio is lower in the aqueous humor of DR patients and the decreased ratio of VEGF165b/VEGF predicts DR progression. © 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel.BACKGROUND The purpose of this study was to identify the top 100 cited articles dedicated to sleep medicine published in journals that have made key contributions to the field. METHODS We performed a search of journals and selected 100 top-cited articles by utilizing the Institute for Scientific Information database available under the banner of the Web of Science. Next, we manually reviewed the contents of the top 100 cited articles. We examined the characteristics of the articles, such as the number of citations, ranking, authorship, article title, year of publication, publishing journal, publication type, and topic categories. RESULTS The top-cited articles were published in 49 journals, and the most frequently cited journal was Sleep (23 articles). The top 100 cited articles originated from institutions in 9 countries, with the USA contributing 67 articles. The institution associated with the largest numbers of sleep medicine citation classics was Stanford University (11 articles). Morin CM, who was the first author for 6 articles, was listed most frequently in the sleep medicine citation classics. The publication years were concentrated in the 2000s, when 42 articles were published. The topics included 35 insomnia studies, 25 sleep physiology studies, 22 obstructive sleep apnea studies, and 19 other studies. CONCLUSIONS The present study provides a detailed list of the most-cited articles on sleep medicine. This currently relevant approach provides an opportunity to recognize the classic articles on sleep, to provide useful insights into international leaders, and to describe research trends in the field of sleep medicine. © 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel.Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) is a rare and serious necrotizing infection that is potentially life-threatening. It has been seldom reported in kidney grafts and is usually caused by Gram-negative bacteria, with some case reports caused by anaerobic bacteria, and has been closely associated with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus (DM) and urinary tract structural abnormalities. There are no reports of EPN of fungal etiology in kidney grafts. We present a case of a 53-year-old kidney transplant recipient with a history of DM, active vesicoureteral reflux, and recurrent urinary tract infections who developed EPN in the kidney allograft caused by Candida glabrata, 3 weeks after starting treatment with empagliflozin, with an aggressive course that required urgent transplant nephrectomy. © 2020 S. Karger AG, English, German Einleitung Die Atmung moduliert die kortikale neuronale Aktivität. Von verschiedenen Atmungsübungen wird berichtet, dass sie spezifische Wirkungen auf emotionale und kognitive Funktionen ausüben. Ziel Beurteilung des Effekts der einseitigen Atmung durch das linke Nasenloch (ULNB; unilateral left nostril breathing) auf nichtlateralisierte, allgemeine kognitive Funktionen anhand von computergestützten psychometrischen Tests. Methoden Eine randomisierte, kontrollierte Pilotstudie wurde mit 20 gesunden, yoganaiven Medizin-Studierenden durchgeführt. Die Interventionsgruppe (n = 10) praktizierte 15 min lang ULNB und die Kontrollgruppe (n = 10) bewusstes Atmen. Aufmerksamkeit und Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit sowie Gedächtnis- und exekutive Funktionen wurden mit dem Letter-Digit Substitution Test, der Sternberg Memory Task und dem Victoria Stroop Test untersucht. Bei Studienbeginn sowie vor und nach der Intervention wurden die Scores ermittelt. Ergebnisse Bei den Scores zu Studienbeginn bestanden keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen. |