This review surveys our current understanding of the impact of parental migraine on children. Understanding the impact of migraine on others in a family unit is critical to describing the full burden of migraine and to developing psychosocial supportive interventions for patients and their families. Having a parent with migraine is associated with several early developmental features including infant colic. Adolescent children of parents with migraine self-report their parent's migraine interferes with school and activities and events. Further, migraine is perceived to impact the relationship between the parent and child. Having a parent with migraine increases a child's risk of having migraine, and having more severe migraine disease. However, children with migraine whose parent also has migraine appear to receive more early and aggressive treatment. The impact of migraine extends beyond the parent with migraine and influences children across biological, psychological, and social domains.Having a parent with migraine is associated with several early developmental features including infant colic. Adolescent children of parents with migraine self-report their parent's migraine interferes with school and activities and events. Further, migraine is perceived to impact the relationship between the parent and child. Having a parent with migraine increases a child's risk of having migraine, and having more severe migraine disease. However, children with migraine whose parent also has migraine appear to receive more early and aggressive treatment. The impact of migraine extends beyond the parent with migraine and influences children across biological, psychological, and social domains.Lake Van is the largest lake in Turkey. It is one of the few soda lakes in the world. Its water is brackish and soda. The lake water has a salinity rate of 19‰ and a pH of 9.8. The salty-soda content of the lake greatly limits biodiversity. Since the Lake Van fish is anadromous, it migrates from the extreme conditions of Lake Van to the freshwater pouring into the lake to spawn. In the same way, once they have emerged from the eggs, the newly hatched fish return to the lake environment to feed again. In this study, the changes in Lake Van fish gill mucus cell histochemistry were examined using different histological stains. The area and density of the mucus cells were observed to have changed in the aquatic areas of different physicochemical properties due to reproductive migration. The intensity of the mucus staining was also found to vary in different aquatic locations and gill regions. As a result, it was clearly demonstrated that mucus cell glycoprotein contents and levels found in Lake Van fish gills varied in different lake freshwater and aquatic environments. In addition, it was determined that the area and density of the mucus cells varied during reproductive migration. It is thought that the change in mucus cells was caused by salinity, pH, and bacterial and parasitic infections encountered in different aquatic environments. These changes in the gill mucus cells play an important role in the aquatic adaptation of fish.Jian carp (Cyprinus carpio var. Jian) is an economically important cultured fish in China. Currently, it is facing threats from infectious diseases including koi herpesvirus (KHV). Here, we established a new cell line, designated CCB-J, derived from the brain tissue of the Jian carp. CCB-J cells grew well in Leibovitz's L-15 medium containing 20% fetal bovine serum at 25 °C and have been subcultured for more than 60 passages. At the 30th passage, analysis showed that the number of chromosomes was 100, which is identical to that of other carp variants. Sequencing of the 18S ribosomal DNA confirmed that CCB-J originated from Jian carp. After transfection with the pEGFP-N1 plasmid, green fluorescence was observed in CCB-J. The replication of KHV in CCB-J cells was confirmed by RT-PCR and transmission electron microscopy. The viral titers of KHV in CCB-J cells and CCB cells, which have been widely used in the study of KHV, reached 103.9 and 101.8 median tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50/mL), respectively, within 14 days. The result of TaqMan? PCR revealed that CCB-J cells were more sensitive to KHV than CCB cells. Meanwhile, a cytopathic effect (CPE) was also observed in the CCB-J cells in a shorter time post-infection compared with CCB cells. In summary, the CCB-J cell line will be a useful tool in the study of viral pathogenesis and vaccine research. To review evidence regarding the association between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, henceforth referred to as severe mental disorders (SMD), and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, its mechanisms, and the interventions to reduce this burden. Much of the loss in life expectancy in people with SMD remains driven by cardiovascular mortality. Antipsychotics and mood stabilizers are associated with negative cardio-metabolic outcomes, but large inter-individual differences are observed, and not treating SMD might be associated with even greater cardiovascular mortality. Classical modifiable cardiovascular risk factors remained inadequately screened and, once identified, too seldom treated in people with SMD. After a myocardial infarction, aggressive tertiary prevention may be as effective in people with SMD as in the general population but is less prescribed. Reduced healthcare quality and increased prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors may not fully explain the excess cardiovascular mortality assoociated with SMDs, which themselves should be considered risk factors in risk calculators. Hazardous health behaviors, the cardio-metabolic adverse effects of medications, and a reduced access to quality healthcare remain priority targets for intervention.The global burden of chronic disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD) has rapidly increased over recent decades. Despite an increasing understanding of PD pathophysiology, there are no effective therapies capable of stopping or slowing the progression of this neurological condition. It has been suggested that type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) may be a risk factor for PD and comorbid T2DM may worsen PD symptoms, as well as accelerate neurodegeneration. In fact, the similar pathological mechanisms shared by PD and T2DM have inspired several studies on the therapeutic potential of T2DM drugs against PD, among which glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonists are promising candidates. Here, we highlight the mechanisms linking T2DM and PD, as well as the links between insulin resistance (IR) and PD patients' risk of developing cognitive deficits. We also briefly review the effects of GLP-1R agonists on PD and discuss how the successful use of these substances in preclinical models of PD has paved the way for PD clinical trials. |