The inferred metagenomes analysis demonstrated that the shifts in functional microorganisms were related to variation in the main metabolic pathways. The specific activities of anammox and ASO both are regarded as key indicators for the successful start-up of bioreactor. This work revealed a novel technique for the preservation of anammox consortia and might be a potential strategy for overcoming the drawback of long start-up time. A lack of understanding exists regarding how freshwater species will respond to increases in temperature associated with ongoing changes in climate. Non-urban to urban thermal gradients generated by urban heat islands can serve as models to characterize the effects of relatively consistent increases in temperature on freshwater ecosystems over several decades. This study investigates the apparent responses of two freshwater fish species, Campostoma anomalum (Central Stoneroller) and Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill), to directional changes in temperature over the past century across the non-urban to urban gradient in the Saint Louis, Missouri region in the central United States. Differences in air temperature across this gradient have increased by approximately 3 °C since 1920. Critical thermal maximum (CTMax) assays were conducted on individuals from fish populations across this gradient from either streams (C. anomalum) or ponds (L. macrochirus) to assess whether thermal tolerance is associated with water tempal and biological components of these systems. Green infrastructure (GI) can reduce air pollutants concentrations via coupled effects of surface deposition and aerodynamic dispersion, yet their magnitudes and relative effectiveness in reducing pollutant concentration are less studied at the urban scale. Here, we develop and apply an integrated GI assessment approach to simulate the individual effects of GI along with their combined impact on pollutant concentration reduction under eight GI scenarios. These include current for year 2015 (2015-Base); business-as-usual for year 2039 (2039-BAU); three alternative future scenarios with maximum possible coniferous (2039-Max-Con), deciduous (2039-Max-Dec) trees, and grassland (2039-Max-Grl) over the available land; and another three alternative future scenarios by considering coniferous (2039-NR-Con), deciduous (2039-NR-Dec) trees, and grassland (2039-NR-Grl) around traffic lanes. A typical UK town, Guildford, is chosen as study area where we estimated current and future traffic emissions (NOx, PM10 and PM2.5), duce annual pollutant concentration. The Pantanal is an important active sedimentary basin in central South America where highly diverse flora and fauna are sustained by seasonal floods. Intense land use in the catchment areas enhanced sediment load and destabilized avulsive river systems in the plains. A well-known avulsion in the Taquari River during the 1980-90s, called "Zé da Costa", has shifted the river mouth and drastically changed the nearby landscapes, making them difficult to map because of the hard access and the large variations in spectral and spatial attributes of raster data like Landsat images. Therefore, we developed a useful method to map and explore landscape changes in "Zé da Costa" avulsion that combines geotagged field pictures, randomly selected high-resolution orbital truths, normalized difference vegetation index, digital elevation models, linear spectral mixture models and Landsat historical imagery in pixel-based and object-oriented supervised classifications. We found that bands in green, red, and near-infrared spectra provide better mapping results with object-oriented algorithms for deriving and studying temporal dry/wet ratio dynamics. The temporal analyses of the dry/wet ratio showed that avulsions in the Taquari River have the potential to change permanently the "Zé da Costa" area into a dry landscape, making it susceptible for land use (deforestation and fire), except areas seasonally inundated by the floods of the Paraguay River. Overall, our method might be also useful for long-term studies of land use and climate change in avulsive rivers in wetlands around the world. Here we present a proof of concept evaluation of the impacts of riverbed-mining on river-wetland connectivity by analyzing the temporal trends of the flood frequencies in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD), while accounting for the effect of dyke constructions. We focus on the Long Xuyen Quadrangle (LXQ), which is significant in terms of biodiversity and economic contribution to the VMD as it is one of the most important food baskets of Southeast Asia that depends on seasonal flooding. Our results indicate that the flood frequency in LXQ has decreased significantly over the past 20 years (1995-2015). Time-series analyses of water level data at Chau Doc, Tan Chau, and Can Tho stations confirmed that the overall descending trend is statistically significant (p-value less then 0.001 and tau ~ 0.1). However, the river discharge at Kratie showed no significant trend (p-value = 0.98) over the same period. This indicates that the flood frequency is associated with the lowering of the riverbed (incision) other than climatic factors. The connectivity analysis also revealed a remarkable drop in the inundation duration after early 2000, which corresponds to the previous observations of the shifting shoreline of the VMD from construction to shrinking. Finally, regression and principal component analyses underpinned the strong causality between the riverbed-mining and the decreased seasonal flooding patterns in LXQ, while accounting for the effect of the dyke system over the last decades (R2 = 0.75). This study offers compelling evidences on the relationship between sand-mining in the river and the disrupted flood regimes in VMD. The reduction in water and sediments that is necessary for sustaining current rates of agricultural production in the long term would endanger the livelihoods of millions of VMD inhabitants. V.Neonicotinoids are the largest group of systemic insecticides worldwide and are most commonly applied as agricultural seed treatments. However, little is known about the extent to which farmland birds are exposed to these compounds during standard agricultural practices. This study uses winter cereal, treated with the neonicotinoid clothianidin, as a test system to examine patterns of exposure in farmland birds during a typical sowing period. The availability of neonicotinoid-treated seed was recorded post-sowing at 39 fields (25 farms), and camera traps were used to monitor seed consumption by wild birds in situ. The concentration of clothianidin in treated seeds and crop seedlings was measured via liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, and avian blood samples were collected from 11 species of farmland bird from a further six capture sites to quantify the prevalence and level of clothianidin exposure associated with seed treatments. Neonicotinoid-treated seeds were found on the soil surface at all but one of the fields surveyed at an average density of 2. |