Pinpointing the brain dysconnectivity in idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder (iRBD) can facilitate preventing the conversion of Parkinson's disease (PD) from prodromal phase. Recent neuroimage investigations reported disruptive brain white matter connectivity in both iRBD and PD, respectively. However, the intrinsic process of the human brain structural network evolving from iRBD to PD still remains largely unknown. To address this issue, 151 participants including iRBD, PD and age-matched normal controls were recruited to receive diffusion MRI scans and neuropsychological examinations. The connectome-wide association analysis was performed to detect reorganization of brain structural network along with PD progression. Eight brain seed regions in both cortical and subcortical areas demonstrated significant structural pattern changes along with the progression of PD. Applying machine learning on the key connectivity related to these seed regions demonstrated better classification accuracy compared to conventional network-based statistic. Our study shows that connectome-wide association analysis reveals the underlying structural connectivity patterns related to the progression of PD, and provide a promising distinct capability to predict prodromal PD patients.Agenesis of the corpus callosum (AgCC) is a congenital brain malformation characterized by the complete or partial failure to develop the corpus callosum. Despite missing the largest white matter bundle connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain, studies have shown preserved inter-hemispheric communication in individuals with AgCC. It is likely that plasticity provides mechanisms for the brain to adjust in the context of AgCC, as the malformation disrupts programmed developmental brain processes very early on. A proposed candidate for neuroplastic response in individuals with AgCC is strengthening of intra-hemispheric structural connections. In the present study, we explore this hypothesis using a graph-based approach of the structural connectome, which enables intra- and inter-hemispheric analyses at multiple resolutions and quantification of structural characteristics through graph metrics. Structural graph metrics of 19 children with AgCC (13 with complete, 6 with partial AgCC) were compared to those of 29 typically developing controls (TDC). Associations between structural graph metrics and a wide range of neurobehavioral outcomes were examined using a multivariate data-driven approach (Partial Least Squares Correlation, PLSC). Our results provide new evidence suggesting structural strengthening of intra-hemispheric pathways as a neuroplastic response in the acallosal brain, and highlight regional variability in structural connectivity in children with AgCC compared to TDC. There was little evidence that structural graph properties in children with AgCC were associated with neurobehavioral outcomes. To our knowledge, this is the first report leveraging graph theory tools to explicitly characterize whole-brain intra- and inter-hemispheric structural connectivity in AgCC, opening avenues for future research on neuroplastic responses in AgCC.In this paper, the effects of ultrasonic probe position, vessel shape, and ultrasonic input power on the sound pressure distribution in the reactor were investigated by solving the Helmholtz equation using COMSOL Multiphysis@ software. Three different types of glass containers were used in the study, which are beaker, Erlenmeyer flask, and round bottom flask. The maximum value of sound pressure in the three containers will gradually increase when the distance between the probe and the bottom of the container decreases. When the distance decreases, the area of the high acoustic pressure region in the round bottom flask does not change significantly, while the area of the high acoustic pressure region in the beaker and Erlenmeyer flask increases sharply, which means that the use of the round bottom flask can reduce the influence of the dead zone on the preparation of nanomaterials. In addition, the change in power increases the value of the peak negative acoustic pressure in the vessel, enhancing the response efficiency of ultrasonic cavitation.New biotechnological processes using microorganisms and/or enzymes to convert carbonaceous resources, either biomass or depolymerized plastics into a broad range of different bioproducts are recognized for their high potential for reduced energy consumption and reduced GHG emissions. However, the hydrophobicity, high molecular weight, chemical and structural composition of most of them hinders their biodegradation. A solution to reduce the impact of non-biodegradable polymers spread in the environment would be to make them biodegradable. Different approaches are evaluated for enhancing their biodegradation. The aim of this work is to develop and optimize the ultrasonication (US) and UV photodegradation and their combination as well as dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma as pre-treatment technologies, which change surface properties and enhance the biodegradation of plastic by surface oxidation and thus helping bacteria to dock on them. Polylactic acid (PLA) has been chosen as a model polymer to investigate its surface degradation by US, UV, and DBD plasma using surface characterization methods like X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Confocal Laser Microscopy (CLSM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) as well as FT-IR and drop contour analysis. Both US and UV affect the surface properties substantially by eliminating the oxygen content of the polymer but in a different way, while plasma oxidizes the surface. Studies have shown that Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were neurotoxic, and PAHs exposure may be related to depressive symptoms. Thus, we conducted this study for further explorations. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) database of the 2005-2014 cycles were used. The independent variables were urine PAHs metabolites, including 1-hydroxynaphthalene (1-NAP), 2-hydroxynaphthalene (2-NAP), 3-hydroxyfluorene (3-FLU), 2-hydroxyfluorene (2-FLU), 1-hydroxyphenanthrene (1-PHE), and 1-hydroxypyrene (1-PYR). The dependent variable was depressive symptoms according to the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9. Multivariate logistic regression analyses and the restricted cubic splines were used in the analyses. A total of 7647 adults aged 20 or above were included in the analyses. In the Crude model and Model 1 (adjusted for age and gender), compared with quartile (Q) 1, the risk of depressive symptoms increased in Q4 for all the six PAHs metabolites. However, in Model 2, after adjusted for more covariates, the results were no more significant.

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Last-modified: 2025-01-23 (木) 07:04:43 (21d)