Chicory root extracts boost satiety, reverse insulin resistance, and augment lipid metabolism thanks to their contents in chicoric acid, chlorogenic acid, and polysaccharides. Taraxacumofficinale L., Morusnigra L., and Cichoriumintybus L. present hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hypolipidemic, and hypoglycemic activities and are shown to be advantageous in the management of obesity, dyslipidemia, Type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. These plants are commonly available in the European spontaneous flora and more attention could be paid to their natural products.Selenoenzymes, whose activity depends on adequate selenium (Se) supply, and phase II enzymes, encoded by target genes of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), take part in governing cellular redox homeostasis. Their interplay is still not entirely understood. Here, we exposed HepG2 hepatoma cells cultured under Se-deficient, Se-adequate, or Se-supranutritional conditions to the Nrf2 activators sulforaphane, cardamonin, or diethyl maleate. Nrf2 protein levels and intracellular localization were determined by immunoblotting, and mRNA levels of Nrf2 target genes and selenoproteins were assessed by qRT-PCR. Exposure to electrophiles resulted in rapid induction of Nrf2 and its enrichment in the nucleus, independent of the cellular Se status. All three electrophilic compounds caused an enhanced expression of Nrf2 target genes, although with differences regarding extent and time course of their induction. Whereas Se status did not significantly affect mRNA levels of the Nrf2 target genes, gene expression of selenoproteins with a low position in the cellular "selenoprotein hierarchy", such as glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPX1) or selenoprotein W (SELENOW), was elevated under Se-supplemented conditions, as compared to cells held in Se-deficient media. In conclusion, no major effect of Se status on Nrf2 signalling was observed in HepG2 cells.Ecological corridors are zones of natural vegetation, which connect with other vegetation strips to create migration routes for animals and plants. The aim of our study was to investigate the occurrence and relative abundance of Dermacentor reticulatus in various habitats of the ecological corridor of the Wieprz River in eastern Poland. Ticks were collected using the flagging method in seven sites within the ecological corridor of the Wieprz River, i.e., one of the longest uninterrupted vegetation strips in eastern Poland. The presence of D. reticulatus adults was confirmed in each of the examined sites. The autumn peak of tick activity dominated in most plots. During this period, on average up to 309.7 individuals were collected within 30-min. The results of our study show that, due to the high abundance of local D. reticulatus populations, the habitats located in the ecological corridor of the Wieprz River can be regarded as preferred habitats of this tick species.Gastric cancer (GC) patients display increased regulatory T cell (Tregs) numbers in peripheral blood and among tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. Nevertheless, the role of Tregs in GC progression remains controversial. Here, we sought to explore the impact of Tregs in GCs with distinct histology, and whether Tregs can directly influence tumor cell behavior and GC development. We performed a comprehensive immunophenotyping of 82 human GC cases, through an integrated analysis of multispectral immunofluorescence detection of T cells markers and patient clinicopathological data. Moreover, we developed 3D in vitro co-cultures with Tregs and tumor cells that were followed by high-throughput and light-sheet imaging, and their biological features studied with conventional/imaging flow cytometry and Western blotting. We showed that Tregs located at the tumor nest were frequent in intestinal-type GCs but did not associate with increased levels of effector T cells. Our in vitro results suggested that Tregs preferentially infiltrated intestinal-type GC spheroids, induced the expression of IL2Rα and activation of MAPK signaling pathway in tumor cells, and promoted spheroid growth. Accumulation of Tregs in intestinal-type GCs was increased at early stages of the stomach wall invasion and in the absence of vascular and perineural invasion. In this study, we proposed a non-immunosuppressive mechanism through which Tregs might directly modulate GC cells and thereby promote tumor growth. Our findings hold insightful implications for therapeutic strategies targeting intestinal-type GCs and other tumors with similar immune context.In recent years, the clinical assessment of primary brain tumors has been increasingly dependent on advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques in order to infer tumor pathophysiological characteristics, such as hemodynamics, metabolism, and microstructure. Quantitative radiomic data extracted from advanced MRI have risen as potential in vivo noninvasive biomarkers for predicting tumor grades and molecular subtypes, opening the era of "molecular imaging" and radiogenomics. This review presents the most relevant advancements in quantitative neuroimaging of advanced MRI techniques, by means of radiomics analysis, applied to primary brain tumors, including lower-grade glioma and glioblastoma, with a special focus on peculiar oncologic entities of current interest. Novel findings from diffusion MRI (dMRI), perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI), and MR spectroscopy (MRS) are hereby sifted in order to evaluate the role of quantitative imaging in neuro-oncology as a tool for predicting molecular profiles, stratifying prognosis, and characterizing tumor tissue microenvironments. Furthermore, innovative technological approaches are briefly addressed, including artificial intelligence contributions and ultra-high-field imaging new techniques. Lastly, after providing an overview of the advancements, we illustrate current clinical applications and future perspectives.The new coronavirus began to spread around the world in late 2019. Initially, it was found only in China, but in the following days there were reported cases of infections in other countries. Subsequently, based on taxonomy, phylogeny, and accepted practice, the virus was officially designated as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). As a result of the rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 in different countries around the world, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a status change in the disease caused by this coronavirus-from an epidemic to a pandemic disease. Although the world is taking unprecedented efforts to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the number of confirmed cases is rising. Therefore, effective preventive measures are needed in order to limit the spread of illness. The prevention measures are mainly based on information on the virus transmission routes, its environmental stability, and persistence on commonly touched surfaces. Social distancing, mask usage, and good hygiene practice are the most important recommendations for general public.

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Last-modified: 2025-01-15 (水) 10:32:15 (34d)