Additionally, the lung deposition modeling shows that greater percentage of Cd (about 40% of inhaled dose) deposition in the lower alveolar part of the respiratory tract while tracheobronchial and extra-thoracic had 33% and 27% respectively. The data sets can be used as references to analyze data obtained using other formulation. © 2019 The Author(s).Fluorescence fluctuation microscopy is a widely used method to determine the mobility and oligomeric state of proteins in the live cell environment. Existing analysis methods rely on statistical evaluation of data segments with the implicit assumption that no significant signal fluctuations occur on the time scale of a data segment. Recent work on extending fluorescence fluctuation methods to the nuclear envelope of living cells identified a slow fluctuation process that is associated with the undulations of the nuclear membranes, which lead to intensity fluctuations due to local volume changes at the nuclear envelope. This environment violates the above-mentioned assumption and is associated with biased evaluation of fluorescence fluctuation data by traditional analysis methods, such as the autocorrelation function. This challenge was overcome by the introduction of the time-shifted mean-segmented Q function, which relies on a sliding scale of data segment lengths. Here, we share experimental fluorescence fluctuation data taken at the nuclear envelope and demonstrate the calculation of the time-shifted mean-segmented Q function from the raw data. The data and analysis should be valuable for researchers interested in fluorescence fluctuation techniques and provides an opportunity to examine the influence of slow fluctuations on existing data analysis methods. The data is related to the research article titled "Protein oligomerization and mobility within the nuclear envelope evaluated by the time-shifted mean-segmented Q factor" [1]. © 2019 The Authors.[This corrects the article DOI 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104447.]. © 2019 The Author(s).To inform the modelling of organic waste treatments yielding organic amendments and fertilisers in France, published as "Screening LCA of French organic amendments and fertilisers" [1], we compiled data pertaining to the chemical characteristics of both raw and treated organic residues, as well as inventory data on the most common organic waste treatments. The majority of these life cycle inventory data was obtained from reports and other literature, but primary data was also compiled, notably for commercial organic fertiliser production. The data presented here can be used by future life cycle assessment studies on organic waste treatments, as well as to inform agricultural modelling. © 2019 The Author(s).Shorea balangeran Burk locally known as balangeran has been widely used as recommended species for tropical peat swamp forest restoration, due to the capability of these species to grow in waterlogged and dry areas. However, the information concerning genetic basis of adaptation to ecological condition variation is limited and no transcriptome study has been reported in this context. Here we reported two sets of transcriptome data from a sample of leaf and basal stem that were taken from seedlings growing in potted media containing peat and mineral soil. The raw reads are stored in the DDBJ platform with accession number DRA008633. © 2019 The Author(s).Malaria is a life threatening disease which is usually transmitted to people through the bite of infected female anopheles mosquitoes. However, this article deals with the data exploration of malaria symptoms reported by 337 patients attended to at Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Medical centre, Ogun State Nigeria. The study covers a period of four (4) weeks monitoring of patients attendance, their consultation with physician and malaria test results as compared to their claims of malaria infection. Logistic regression was used for the basic analysis of the dataset and it was discovered that people in the age range 38-47 years are mostly affected with malaria and that females are the most infected gender species with headache being the most significant symptom based on its Wald statistic value. This study strongly recommends the introduction of a long lasting malaria prevention scheme that cut across all categories of ages and genders within the Nigerian community, and that self-medication should be seriously warned against as most claims of malaria were not actually found to be true upon verification. © 2019 The Authors.This data article is about reptiles (lizard, snake, and skink) captured from fragmented forest within man-made lake of Tasik Kenyir that is situated in Terengganu State, Peninsular Malaysia. Data collection was conducted in January 2019 and sampling methods included drift fenced-pitfall traps and Visual Encounter Survey (VES). All animals were identified, measured snout to vent (SVL) and weighted before their release at the site of capture. The highlights like conservation statuses in the wild, detection type and substrate type are presented with the data to increase its value. A total of 73 individuals from 18 species, 15 generas and seven families of reptiles were recorded. The data comprised of seven reptile family groups Agamidae, Gekkonidae, Scincidae, Colubridae, Elapidae, Viperidae and Homalopsidae. Reptiles like Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgattus (n = 33, 45.2%) and Aphaniotis fusca (n = 7, 9.6%) were most dominant in the checklist and most of the animals were captured using VES. Data of SVL and mass of the animals can be further interpreted by researchers to assess the health condition of animals in the altered habitats. © 2019 The Author(s).Agarwood is the highly valuable fragrant resin of the wounded Aquilaria spp. trees widely used in fragrances, medicines and incenses. Among the Aquilaria spp., A. malaccensis is the primary producer and is mainly found in Indonesia and Malaysia. In normal condition, agarwood is naturally formed in Aquilaria trees as a defense mechanism upon physical damage or microbial infection on the trees, which is a slow process that occurs over several years. The high demand in agarwood has spurred the development of various artificial inoculation methods where agarwood formation is synthetically induced in a shorter period of time. However, the synthetic induction method produces agarwood with aromas different from the naturally formed agarwood. To understand the changes in the agarwoods produced from different induction conditions, metabolite profiling of agarwood essential oil from A. malaccensis has been performed. The essential oils of healthy undamaged tree trunks and, naturally formed and synthetically induced agarwoods were obtained using hydrodistillation (HS) method and analysed using gas chromatography mass spectrometer (GC-MS).

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Last-modified: 2025-01-15 (水) 10:34:48 (27d)