The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has influenced all the dimensions of human lives and the functional pattern of the health care establishments as the caseload continues to rise at an alarming speed. Even though, the possibility of transmission of infection through blood is negligible, it is important to take into account that the ongoing pandemic is going to impact the supply of blood and blood products via reduction in the practice of voluntary blood donation, and the entire range of activities pertaining to the blood system. This calls for the need to assess the situation, plan for remedial measures and respond adequately to the existing problem. In conclusion, in the battle against the COVID-19 infection, it is of utmost importance that the supply of blood and its products needs to be continually maintained, and the most effective approach will be to integrate the various elements of the blood system within the public health care delivery system. The study aimed to establish the spinal cord occupation rate of the dural sac during flexion and extension. We measured the cross-sectional area of the dural sac and the spinal cord between C2/C3 and C7/T1 disc levels in 100 patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy and 1211 asymptomatic subjects. The spinal cord occupation rate of the dural sac in the cross-sectional area was higher on extension than on flexion at the mid-lower cervical spine. The spinal cord occupation rate of the dural sac in the cross-sectional area was highest at the C4/C5 and C5/C6 levels on extension.The spinal cord occupation rate of the dural sac in the cross-sectional area was highest at the C4/C5 and C5/C6 levels on extension. Comparing total joint arthroplasty (TJA) costs and patient-reported outcomes between a physician-owned hospital (POH) and a non-POH. Costs for each 90-day TJA episode at both facilities were determined, and patients were asked to complete a patient satisfaction questionnaire. Average TJA episode cost was $19,039at the POH, compared to $21,302at the non-POH, a difference of $2,263 ( =0.03), largely driven by decreased skilled nursing facility utilization in the POH group. There were no differences between groups for patient satisfaction. TJA can be performed at reduced cost with comparable patient satisfaction at POHs, compared to non-POH facilities.TJA can be performed at reduced cost with comparable patient satisfaction at POHs, compared to non-POH facilities.Emerging adulthood is a unique developmental stage during which significant transitions in living environment, social networks, personal responsibilities, and identity development occur. Stress associated with these transitions relates to increases in health-risk behaviors, such as substance use and high-risk sexual behavior. This research examined health-risk behavior outcomes associated with the Young Adult Family Check-Up (YA-FCU). The YA-FCU comprises three sessions an initial interview, an ecological assessment, and a feedback session that integrates motivational interviewing (MI) techniques. This study measured treatment fidelity of the YA-FCU and the extent to which therapists adhered to principles of MI during feedback sessions. Therapists included both licensed psychologists and trainees. The study also examined the relationship between therapists' MI fidelity and client change talk (CT), in order to determine if MI fidelity and client CT predicted postintervention health-risk behaviors among emerging adults who participated in the YA-FCU. Measures of health-risk behaviors were collected pre- and post- intervention. Results indicated overall adequate treatment fidelity. MI fidelity was positively related to client CT. Several indicators of MI fidelity predicted decreases in emerging adults' health-risk behaviors. For example, therapist ratio of reflections to questions predicted a decline in emerging adults' alcohol use frequency and marijuana use quantity. These results have important implications for YA-FCU training and implementation and indicate that MI consistent skills might be a mechanism of change in the YA-FCU intervention.Gender specific substance use disorder treatment has demonstrated promise in adult women, but is relatively unexplored in young adults. To address the specific needs of young adult females, the manual-based Women's Recovery Group (WRG) was adapted for women ages 18-25. Treatment engagement and retention, group cohesiveness, satisfaction, and substance use outcomes were measured during group treatment and at 1-month follow up. This pilot supports the feasibility and initial acceptability of the adapted form of the WRG for young adults. Data from this study may inform future gender specific treatment approaches for substance use disorders in younger populations.Many policies and programs aim to bring nutritious diets within reach of the poor. This paper uses retail prices and nutrient composition for 671 foods and beverages to compute the daily cost of essential nutrients required for an active and healthy life in 177 countries around the world. We compare this minimum cost of nutrient adequacy with the subsistence cost of dietary energy and per-capita spending on all goods and services, to identify stylized facts about how diet cost and affordability relate to economic development and nutrition outcomes. On average, the most affordable nutrient adequate diet exceeds the cost of adequate energy by a factor of 2.66, costing US$1.35 per day to meet median requirements of healthy adult women in 2011. Affordability is lowest in Sub-Saharan Africa. The sensitivity of diet costs to each requirement reveals the high cost of staying within acceptable macronutrient ranges, particularly the upper limit for carbohydrates. Among micronutrients, total diet costs are most sensitive to requirements for calcium as well as vitamins A, C, E, B12, folate and riboflavin. On average, about 5% of dietary energy in the least-cost nutrient adequate diets is derived from animal source foods, with small quantities of meat and fish. Over 70% of all animal products in least-cost diets is eggs and dairy, but only in upper-middle and high-income countries. In lower income countries where egg and dairy prices are significantly higher, they are replaced by larger volumes of vegetal foods. When controlling for national income, diet costs are most significantly correlated with rural travel times and rural electrification. These data suggest opportunities for targeted policies and programs that reduce market prices and the cost of nutritious diets, while improving affordability through nutrition assistance, safety nets and higher earnings among low-income households. |