There was a significant reduction in miR-181c in the F1 generation, but there was no significant relationship between miR-181c and hsp90. Finally, there was a significant decrease in ppargc1a relative abundance in the F1 generation which was associated with an increase in miR-129. Combined, these results suggest that parental exposure to multiple, environmentally relevant stressors can confer transcriptional and epigenetic responses in the F1 and F2 generations, although identifying which stressor is a driving force becomes unclear.Exposure to nitrate is toxic to aquatic animals due to the formation of methaemoglobin and a subsequent loss of blood-oxygen carrying capacity. Yet, nitrate toxicity can be modulated by other stressors in the environment, such as elevated temperatures. Acclimation to elevated temperatures has been shown to offset the negative effects of nitrate on whole animal performance in fish, but the mechanisms underlying this cross-tolerance interaction remain unclear. In this study, juvenile silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) were exposed to a factorial combination of temperature (28 °C or 32 °C) and nitrate concentrations (0, 50 or 100 mg NO3- L-1) treatments to test the hypothesis that thermal acclimation offsets the effects of nitrate via compensatory changes to the cardiorespiratory system (gills, ventricle and blood oxygen carrying capacity). Following 21 weeks of thermal acclimation, we found that fish acclimated to 32 °C experienced an expansion of gill surface area and an increase in ventricular thickness regardless of nitrate exposure concentration. Exposure to nitrate (both 50 and 100 mg NO3- L-1) reduced the blood oxygen carrying capacity of silver perch due to increases in methaemoglobin concentration and a right shift in oxygen-haemoglobin binding curves in fish from both thermal acclimation treatments. These results indicate that plasticity of the gills and ventricle of warm acclimated fish are potential mechanisms which may provide cross-tolerance protection to elevated nitrate concentrations despite nitrate induced reductions to oxygen transport.Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) is a key enzyme in the phase-II detoxification process and is a biomarker of oxidative stress. In this study, we analyzed the molecular, biochemical, and antioxidant properties of GST alpha-4 from Hippocampus abdominalis (HaGSTA-4). Also, the spatial and temporal expression of HaGSTA-4 upon immune challenge with abiotic and biotic stimulants were evaluated. The HaGSTA-4 ORF encodes 223 amino acids with a molecular weight of 25.7 kDa, and an estimated isoelectric point (pI) of 8.47. It consists of the GST_C superfamily and thioredoxin-like superfamily domain. The phylogenetic tree revealed that HaGSTA-4 is evolutionarily conserved with its GST alpha class counterparts. From pairwise alignment, the highest values of identity (78.5%) and similarity (85.7%) were with Parambassis ranga GSTA-4. Protein rHaGSTA-4 exhibited the highest conjugation activity towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) at pH 7 and 20 °C. A disk diffusion assay showed that rHaGSTA-4 significantly protects cells from the stress of exposure to ROS inducers such as CuSO4, CdCl2, and ZnCl2. Furthermore, overexpressed HaGSTA-4 defended cells against oxidative stress caused by H2O2; evidence of selenium-independent peroxidase activity. From qPCR, the tissue-specific expression profile demonstrates that HaGSTA-4 is most highly expressed in the kidney, followed by the intestine and stomach, among fourteen different tissues extracted from healthy seahorses. The mRNA expression profile of HaGSTA-4 upon immune challenge varied depending on the tissue and the time after challenge. Altogether, this study suggests that HaGSTA-4 may be involved in protection against oxidative stress, in immune defense regulation, and xenobiotic metabolism.Endosulfan has been recognized as a highly controversial pesticide due to its acute toxicity, potential bioaccumulation, persistency, and long-range atmospheric transport. Several plant extracts act as antioxidant agents against wide-range of pesticide toxicity hazards through the free radicals scavenging properties. Plants' secondary metabolites are considered as efficient protective agents against various cellular toxic injuries. Understanding these properties of botanicals, several researchers currently focused on the detoxification and ameliorative potency of plant extracts against highly toxic chemicals. In our studies, we focused on the endosulfan total and its isomers (alpha and beta) induced changes on Drosophila melanogaster and their ameliorative effects by co-administrated with methanolic and aqueous extracts of Catharanthus roseus whole plant. We selected the 1/5th EC50 concentration of alpha-endosulfan, beta-endosulfan, and endosulfan (total) and co-administrated with 1/50th EC50 concentration of aqueous and methanolic extracts and evaluated their ameliorative effects, in terms of verifying the life stage activities, protein profiling and also by using live brain cells imaging. We finally concluded that, the methanolic and aqueous extracts inhibit the toxic impacts caused by endosulfan and its isomers and also increasing the survival rate of the test organism.Baicalin, a main bioactive compound of Scutellaria baicalensis, has a variety of pharmacological activities including antioxidation, anti-inflammation and hepatoprotection. However, there are few reports on these biological activities in fish. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the effects of baicalin on growth performance, antioxidative status and hepatoprotection in tilapia. The fish were fed on different doses of baicalin (0, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6 g/kg diet). After feeding 60 days, parts of fishes were netted, and the blood, liver, gills and muscle tissues were collected to analyze the antioxidative effect. The remaining fishes were injected with saline or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for challenge test. The results showed that the specific growth rate of fish was slightly increased in three baicalin treatments, and the feed efficiency was clearly improved in 0.4 g/kg baicalin treatment. Meanwhile, the antioxidative capacity in blood, liver and/or gill was enhanced in treatments with 0.4, 0.8 and/or 1.6 g/kg baicalin.

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Last-modified: 2025-01-14 (火) 09:27:04 (35d)