Aggressive angiomyxoma (AA) is a rare mesenchymal neoplasm occurring almost exclusively in the vulvovaginal region and which has a wide differential diagnosis. It has previously been suggested that the nuclear transcription factor HMGA2 is a useful marker of AA, although the number of studies is limited. We investigated HMGA2 immunoreactivity in a large series (n=284) of vulvovaginal mesenchymal lesions. HMGA2 nuclear staining was classified as diffuse (≥50%), focal ( less then 50%), or negative. Of 38 cases of AA, 26 (68%) were positive; 77% (n=20) of these exhibited diffuse staining. Of the 41 smooth muscle tumors, 18 (44%) were positive with 16 (89%) exhibiting diffuse staining. 80 fibroepithelial stromal polyps were included and 15 (19%) were positive (8 diffuse; 7 focal). Most of the fibroepithelial stromal polyps that exhibited diffuse HMGA2 immunoreactivity were large and edematous. Occasional cases of a variety of other lesions were positive, including 1 of 30 superficial myofibroblastomas and 1 of 16 angiomyofibroblastomas. Cellular angiofibromas (n=12) and superficial angiomyxomas (n=6) were always negative. Our results confirm that HMGA2 is a useful marker of AA but a significant minority of cases are negative. The marker also lacks specificity, since a high percentage of smooth muscle tumors are positive, although these typically do not bear a close morphologic resemblance to AA. A novel observation in our study is positive staining of some fibroepithelial stromal polyps, particularly when large and edematous; these are particularly likely to be confused morphologically with AA and positive staining with HMGA2 represents a significant diagnostic pitfall.A recent clinical trial showed prolonged progression-free survival in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive advanced stage and recurrent endometrial serous carcinomas when trastuzumab was added to traditional chemotherapy. Approximately one third of these tumors are HER2-positive and have been described to show unique characteristics of HER2 protein expression and gene amplification, including significant intratumoral heterogeneity, in recent studies. However, currently, there are no standard protocols for the selection of optimal specimen type or algorithm for HER2 testing in endometrial serous carcinomas. The current study aimed to evaluate the concordance of HER2 status between endometrial biopsy/curettage and subsequent hysterectomy specimens in endometrial serous carcinoma. A total of 57 patients with endometrial serous carcinoma with available HER2 status were identified during the study period, 14 of which (14/57, 25%) were HER2-positive by immunohistochemistry and/or fluorescent in only the hysterectomy would be the basis for the result, respectively. Intratumoral heterogeneity of HER2 protein expression was present in 22 tumors (55%), including all cases with a discordant HER2 status. The concordance rate of HER2 status between paired endometrial biopsies/curettings and hysterectomies of endometrial serous carcinoma is lower than the reported rates of breast cancer, and comparable to those of gastric carcinomas. Frequent heterogeneity of HER2 protein expression combined with the possibility of a spatially more heterogenous sampling of endometrial cavity in biopsies and curettings, and the potential differences in specimen handling/fixation between the 2 specimen types may explain our findings. HER2 testing of multiple specimens may help identify a greater proportion of patients eligible for targeted trastuzumab therapy and should be taken into account in future efforts of developing endometrial cancer-specific HER2 testing algorithm.The role of lymphadenectomy in endometrial carcinomas is controversial, especially in low-grade endometrioid carcinomas. In many institutions, lymphadenectomy in the latter neoplasms is undertaken only when there is deep myometrial invasion, defined as invasion involving 50% or more of the myometrium (FIGO stage IB). There has been considerable debate as to the best modality to detect deep myometrial invasion. In Europe, preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most commonly used modality while in North America, intraoperative assessment (IOA) is undertaken in most, but not all, institutions. The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of these 2 modalities in identifying deep myometrial invasion in low-grade endometrioid carcinomas. Two patient cohorts were studied from Belfast, UK (n=253) and Boston, USA (n=276). With respect to detecting deep myometrial invasion, MRI had a sensitivity of 72.84%, positive predictive value of 75.64% and a positive likelihood ratio of 6.59 (95% confidence interval; 4.23-10.28). IOA had a sensitivity of 78.26%, positive predictive value of 80% and a positive likelihood ratio of 20.00 (95% confidence interval; 10.35-38.63). The superior positive likelihood ratio suggests that IOA is better than MRI in determining deep myometrial invasion and the nonoverlapping 95% confidence intervals suggest this is a significant finding. However, there are significant resource implications associated with IOA and preoperative MRI carries other advantages that are discussed herein.The chemotherapy response score (CRS) proposed by Bohm and colleagues in 2015 has been validated as a reproducible method for determining histopathologic response of tubo-ovarian carcinoma to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and stratifies tumor response into 3 groups CRS1 is defined as minimal/no response, CRS2 as moderate response, and CRS3 as marked response. Although described as a 3-tiered system, it essentially works as a 2-tiered system (CRS1/CRS2 vs. CRS3) for assessing prognosis. Here, we analyzed the prognostic value of CRS in a large cohort of tubo-ovarian carcinomas at a tertiary care center and evaluated the potential for Ki-67 labeling index on post-neoadjuvant chemotherapy samples to provide additional prognostic information. We included 170 patients with tubo-ovarian carcinoma treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by interval debulking surgery. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/VX-702.html We determined CRS for each case by reviewing slides from the interval debulking surgery resection specimen and calculated progression-free survival and overall survival.

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