#author("2024-12-07T08:35:24+09:00","","") Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon that differentiates maternal and paternal copies of genes in the genome and causes monoallelic expression depending on parental origin. Imprinting is an evolutionary puzzle, as it bears the costs of diploidization without its advantages, namely, protection from recessive mutations. The aim of this review is to answer the question of why genomic imprinting arose and became fixed in the evolution of angiosperms, insects, marsupials, and placental mammals.A correction is made to the paper by Jones et al. (2020). [J. Synchrotron Rad. (2020), 27, 207-211].Since spring 2019 an experimental setup consisting of an electron spectrometer and an ion time-of-flight mass spectrometer for diluted samples has been available for users at the FinEstBeAMS beamline of the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden. The setup enables users to study the interaction of atoms, molecules, (molecular) microclusters and nanoparticles with short-wavelength (vacuum ultraviolet and X-ray) synchrotron radiation and to follow the electron and nuclear dynamics induced by this interaction. Test measurements of N2 and thiophene (C4H4S) molecules have demonstrated that the setup can be used for many-particle coincidence spectroscopy. The measurements of the Ar 3p photoelectron spectra by linear horizontal and vertical polarization show that angle-resolved experiments can also be performed. The possibility to compare the electron spectroscopic results of diluted samples with solid targets in the case of Co2O3 and Fe2O3 at the Co and Fe L2,3-absorption edges in the same experimental session is also demonstrated. Because the photon energy range of the FinEstBeAMS beamline extends from 4.4 eV up to 1000 eV, electron, ion and coincidence spectroscopy studies can be executed in a very broad photon energy range.A helium mini-cryostat has been developed for the hard X-ray nanoprobe ID16B of the European Synchrotron to collect X-ray excited optical luminescence and X-ray fluorescence at low temperature ( less then 10 K). The mini-cryostat has been specifically designed to fit within the strong space restrictions and high-demanding mechanical constraints imposed by the beamline to provide vibration-free operation and maximal thermal stability. This paper reports the detailed design, architecture and technical requirements of the mini-cryostat, and presents the first experimental data measured using the cryogenic equipment. The resulting cryo-system features ultimate thermal stability, fast cool-down and ultra-low vibrations. The simultaneous X-ray fluorescence and X-ray excited optical luminescence data acquired from bulk GaN and core/shell InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells validated the excellent performance of the cryostat with ultimate resolution, stability and sensitivity.Grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) patterns have multiple superimposed contributions from the shape of the nanoscale structure, the coupling between the particles, the partial pair correlation, and the layer geometry. Therefore, it is not easy to identify the model manually from the huge amounts of combinations. The convolutional neural network (CNN), which is one of the artificial neural networks, can find regularities to classify patterns from large amounts of combinations. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/unc0379.html CNN was applied to classify GISAXS patterns, focusing on the shape of the nanoparticles. The network found regularities from the GISAXS patterns and showed a success rate of about 90% for the classification. This method can efficiently classify a large amount of experimental GISAXS patterns according to a set of model shapes and their combinations.X-ray imaging is a complementary method to electron and fluorescence microscopy for studying biological cells. In particular, scanning small-angle X-ray scattering provides overview images of whole cells in real space as well as local, high-resolution reciprocal space information, rendering it suitable to investigate subcellular nanostructures in unsliced cells. One persisting challenge in cell studies is achieving high throughput in reasonable times. To this end, a fast scanning mode is used to image hundreds of cells in a single scan. A way of dealing with the vast amount of data thus collected is suggested, including a segmentation procedure and three complementary kinds of analysis, i.e. characterization of the cell population as a whole, of single cells and of different parts of the same cell. The results show that short exposure times, which enable faster scans and reduce radiation damage, still yield information in agreement with longer exposure times.One of the greatest benefits of synchrotron radiation is the ability to perform chemical speciation analysis through X-ray absorption spectroscopies (XAS). XAS imaging of large sample areas can be performed with either full-field or raster-scanning modalities. A common practice to reduce acquisition time while decreasing dose and/or increasing spatial resolution is to compare X-ray fluorescence images collected at a few diagnostic energies. Several authors have used different multivariate data processing strategies to establish speciation maps. In this manuscript, the theoretical aspects and assumptions that are often made in the analysis of these datasets are focused on. A robust framework is developed to perform speciation mapping in large bulk samples at high spatial resolution by comparison with known references. Two fully operational software implementations are provided a user-friendly implementation within the MicroAnalysis Toolkit software, and a dedicated script developed under the R environment. The procedure is exemplified through the study of a cross section of a typical fossil specimen. The algorithm provides accurate speciation and concentration mapping while decreasing the data collection time by typically two or three orders of magnitude compared with the collection of whole spectra at each pixel. Whereas acquisition of spectral datacubes on large areas leads to very high irradiation times and doses, which can considerably lengthen experiments and generate significant alteration of radiation-sensitive materials, this sparse excitation energy procedure brings the total irradiation dose greatly below radiation damage thresholds identified in previous studies. This approach is particularly adapted to the chemical study of heterogeneous radiation-sensitive samples encountered in environmental, material, and life sciences.