The isosteric heats of benzene adsorption on MC-500-6 were much greater than that of water adsorption, leading to a preferential adsorption for C6H6 over H2O. The adsorption selectivity of C6H6/H2O on MC-500-6 reached up to 16.3 superior to some previously reported MOFs. Therefore, MC-500-6 was a promising candidate for VOC adsorption and seperation. This study provides a strong foundation for MOF derived porous carbons as adsorbents for VOC removal. Biosynthesized noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) as promising green catalysts for electrochemical application has invited a lot of attention. However, effective electron transfer between biosynthesized NPs and electrode remains a challenge due to the uncontrollable and poor conductive property of cell substrates. In this study, graphene oxide (GO) was introduced into a bio-Pd synthesis process governed by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, which was demonstrated to be simultaneously reduced with Pd(II) and transformed to reduced GO (rGO), resulting in the formation of a Pd-cells-rGO composite. Compared to the control without rGO (Pd-cells), the electrochemical conductivity of Pd-cells-rGO composite increased from almost zero to 196 μS cm-1, indicating the rGO facilities the electron transport across the composite. Electrochemical characterizations revealed the electrochemical active surface area (ECSA) of Pd in Pd-cells-rGO was enlarged by increasing the amount of rGO in the composite, clearly indicating that the conductive network created by rGO enable the Pd NPs receive electrons from electrode and become electrochemical active. A considerable enhancement of electrocatalytic activity was further confirmed for Pd-cells-rGO as indicated by 36.7- and 17.2-fold increase (Pd-cells-rGO with Pd/GO ratio of 5/1 vs Pd-cells) of steady state current density toward hydrogen evolution and nitrobenzene reduction at -0.7 V and -0.55 V vs Ag/AgCl, respectively. We also compared the electrocatalytic performance with MWCNTs hybrids Pd-cells-CNTs. It was found that the association of Pd, cells and rGO creates an interactive and synergistic environment to allow higher conductivity and catalytic activity under the same amount of carbon nanomaterial. The strategy developed in this work activates a highly reactive NPs and proposed a designable protocol for enhancing electrocatalytic activity of biocatalysts. Catalytic co-pyrolysis (CCP) of spent coffee ground (SCG) and cellulose over HZSM-5 and HY was characterized thermogravimetrically, and a catalytic pyrolysis of two samples was conducted using a tandem micro reactor that directly connected with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. To access the more fundamental investigations on CCP, the effects of the zeolite pore structure, reaction temperature, in-situ/ex-situ reaction mode, catalyst to feedstock ratio, and the SCG and cellulose mixing ratio were experimentally evaluated. The temperature showing the highest thermal degradation rate of cellulose with SCG slightly delayed due to the interactions during the thermolysis of two samples. HZSM-5 in reference to HY produced more aromatic hydrocarbons from CCP. With respect to the reaction temperature, the formation of aromatic hydrocarbons increased with the pyrolytic temperature. Moreover, the in-situ/ex-situ reaction mode, catalyst/feedstock, and cellulose/SCG ratio were optimized to improve the aromatic hydrocarbon yield. Prenatal arsenic exposure has been associated with reduced fetal growth and increased risk for preterm birth, but most studies have been conducted in highly exposed populations outside the U.S. or in non-Hispanic populations in the rural U.S. The objectives of the current study were to 1) examine the impact of early pregnancy exposure to arsenic on birth weight and gestational age at birth in a predominately lower income Hispanic pregnancy cohort in urban Los Angeles and 2) compare multiple biomarkers of arsenic exposure (blood, urine, and hair) assessed in early pregnancy (mean ± SD gestational age at biospecimen collection 14 ± 4 weeks). Total arsenic (blood, hair) was measured by ICP-MS and speciated arsenic (urine) was measured by HPLC coupled to ICP-MS. Associations between log2-transformed arsenic measures and birth outcomes were evaluated using multivariable linear regression. A doubling in hair arsenic was associated with a 72.2 g (95% CI -144.3, -0.1, P = 0.05) lower birth weight, after adjusting for potential confounders and gestational age at birth. A similar but non-significant trend was observed for blood arsenic, but not urine arsenic. The inverse association between hair arsenic and birth weight was more pronounced among infants whose mothers gained greater amounts of weight during pregnancy (Pinteraction = 0.02). The association between urinary monomethyl arsenic and GA at birth differed by pre-pregnancy BMI (Pinteraction less then 0.01). This study provides evidence that even at relatively low levels of exposure, arsenic exposure (measured in hair samples collected in early pregnancy) may adversely affect fetal growth in this understudied population, particularly in combination with greater gestational weight gain. Future studies with larger sample sizes are needed to confirm these findings and to further investigate some of the inconsistencies observed for the different arsenic biomarkers evaluated. The practice of hair dyeing is a rapidly expanding industry on a global scale; however, it has become a major concern for Asian countries because they have been undergoing rapid transformations of their environment and lifestyles. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pf-00835231.html While the socio-economic benefits and impacts of this globalization trend are widely understood, the environmental effects are largely unknown. In particular, commonly available oxidative dyes potentially pose specific environmental risks due to their use of a toxic aromatic amine p-Phenylenediamine (PPD). In investigating the environmental impacts of PPD chemicals, we first provide context to the study by setting out the socio-psychological drivers to industrial expansion in Asian countries along with an overview of research into its effects, to show that its environmental impacts are under-researched. We then investigate the environmental toxicity of PPD by focusing on the role of microbes in metabolizing waste products. Results show that Acinetobacter baumannii EB1 isolated from dye effluent prevents autoxidation of PPD under oxygen-enriched (shaking) or oxygen-deficient (static) conditions representing different environmental settings.

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