#author("2025-01-23T06:10:56+09:00","","") Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that chronically infects the lungs of individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) by forming antibiotic-resistant biofilms. Emergence of phenotypically diverse isolates within CF P. aeruginosa populations has previously been reported; however, the impact of heterogeneity on social behaviors and community function is poorly understood. Here we describe how this heterogeneity impacts on behavioral traits by evolving the strain PAO1 in biofilms grown in a synthetic sputum medium for 50 days. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/iberdomide.html We measured social trait production and antibiotic tolerance, and used a metagenomic approach to analyze and assess genomic changes over the duration of the evolution experiment. We found that (i) evolutionary trajectories were reproducible in independently evolving populations; (ii) over 60% of genomic diversity occurred within the first 10 days of selection. We then focused on quorum sensing (QS), a well-studied P. aeruginosa trait that is commonly mutated in strains isolated from CF lungs. We found that at the population level, (i) evolution in sputum medium selected for decreased the production of QS and QS-dependent traits; (ii) there was a significant correlation between lasR mutant frequency, the loss of protease, and the 3O-C12-HSL signal, and an increase in resistance to clinically relevant β-lactam antibiotics, despite no previous antibiotic exposure. Overall, our findings provide insights into the effect of allelic polymorphism on community functions in diverse P. aeruginosa populations. Further, we demonstrate that P. aeruginosa population and evolutionary dynamics can impact on traits important for virulence and can lead to increased tolerance to β-lactam antibiotics.Anaerobic protists are major predators of prokaryotes in anaerobic ecosystems. However, little is known about the predation behavior of anaerobic protists because almost none have been cultured. In particular, these characteristics of anaerobic protists in the phyla Metamonada and Cercozoa have not been reported previously. In this study, we isolated three anaerobic protists, Cyclidium sp., Trichomitus sp., and Paracercomonas sp., from anaerobic granular sludge in an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor used to treat domestic sewage. Ingestion and digestion of food bacteria by anaerobic protists with or without endosymbiotic methanogens were demonstrated using tracer experiments with green fluorescent protein and a stable carbon isotope. These tracer experiments also demonstrated that Cyclidium sp. supplied CO2 and hydrogen to endosymbiotic methanogens. While Cyclidium sp. and Trichomitus sp. ingested both Gram-negative and -positive bacteria, Paracercomonas sp. could only take up Gram-negative bacteria. Archaeal cells such as Methanobacterium beijingense and Methanospirillum hungatei did not support the growth of these protists. Metabolite patterns of all three protists differed and were influenced by food bacterial species. These reported growth rates, ingestion rates, food selectivity, and metabolite patterns provide important insights into the ecological roles of these protists in anaerobic ecosystems.Fungal endophytes can improve plant tolerance to abiotic stress. However, the role of these plant-fungal interactions in invasive species ecology and their management implications remain unclear. This study characterized the fungal endophyte communities of native and invasive lineages of Phragmites australis and assessed the role of dark septate endophytes (DSE) in salt tolerance of this species. We used Illumina sequencing to characterize root fungal endophytes of contiguous stands of native and invasive P. australis along a salinity gradient. DSE colonization was assessed throughout the growing season in the field, and effects of fungal inoculation on salinity tolerance were investigated using laboratory and greenhouse studies. Native and invasive lineages had distinct fungal endophyte communities that shifted across the salinity gradient. DSE colonization was greater in the invasive lineage and increased with salinity. Laboratory studies showed that DSE inoculation increased P. australis seedling survival under salt stress; and a greenhouse assay revealed that the invasive lineage had higher aboveground biomass under mesohaline conditions when inoculated with a DSE. We observed that P. australis can establish mutualistic associations with DSE when subjected to salt stress. This type of plant-fungal association merits further investigation in integrated management strategies of invasive species and restoration of native Phragmites.Mastitis is one of the most prevalent diseases in dairy farming worldwide. The gut microbiota plays an important role in the regulation of systemic and local inflammatory diseases, such as mastitis. However, the regulatory mechanism of the gut microbiota on mastitis is still unclear. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the function and regulatory mechanisms of the gut microbiota in host defense against mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) infection. Increased blood-milk barrier permeability, and S. aureus-induced mastitis severity were observed gut microbiota-dysbiosis mice compared with those in control mice. Moreover, feces microbiota transplantation (FMT) to microbbiota-dysbiosis mice reversed these effects. Furthermore, established disruption of commensal homeostasis results in significantly increased abundance of pathogenic Enterobacter bacteria, while the relative abundance of short-chain fatty acid (SCFAs)-producing bacterial phyla (Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes) was significantly reduced. However, FMT to gut microbiota-dysbiosis mice reversed these changes. In addition, dysbiosis reduced the levels of SCFAs, and administration of sodium propionate, sodium butyrate, and probiotics (butyrate-producing bacteria) reversed the changes in the blood-milk barrier and reduced the severity of mastitis induced by S. aureus. In conclusion, this new finding demonstrated that the gut microbiota acts as a protective factor in host defense against mastitis and that targeting the gut-mammary gland axis represents a promising therapeutic approach for mastitis treatment.